21 Jan 234 Kickstarter backers give Snow Guardians $24,884

I want to thank all of you for the amazing support! We are fully funded due to your support and getting the word out to your friends.
The average pledge was $106 with %16 of the contributions coming from Facebook shares! We had 234 people support the project and exceded our goal and raised $24,884.
We also picked up an amazing corporate sponsor Arc’teryx who makes some of the best extreme outdoor clothing in the world. All our Bridger Bowl Ski Patrollers use Arc’teryx gear every day.

We are still busy filming and have had an amazing week. Our camera crew just caught a huge 30 second avalanche on film.

Make sure you Like our new Facebook page athttp://www.Facebook.com/SnowGuadians
And Follow @F9photo and @SnowGuardians on Twitter for updates.
The main SnowGuardians Web page is : www.SnowGuardians.com

Photo of Jim Geduldick out on SnowGuardians filming on his modified “slider”